Submitted by: Marianolp Hinton
The method revolves around the fact that the liver – along with the two kidneys, the other waste removal organ of the body – plays no part in the removal of acid from the body. This is carried out entirely by the kidneys.
So this is a perfect opportunity to flood the kidneys with a sustained level of acid to dissolve the stone, which – once reduced in size – will slip into the bladder where it will painlessly and silently break up into tiny particles and be flushed out in the urine.
Don’t be alarmed at the thought of drinking acid – you won’t turn into a vampire. You see, we imbibe acid in many foods and beverages. For example, your breakfast orange juice contains citric acid and the apple that famously is so good for you it is reputed to “keep the doctor away” gets its sharp taste from malic acid.
So our very effective, yet simple method uses a harmless food acid to reduce the size of the stone followed by a kidney flush of soluble fibrous vegetable matter to push the stone right out of your body. Then, once you are free of stones the second part of the cure is to educate you in how to avoid those pesky calcium oxalate kidney stones ever again.
Kidney stones are hard masses developed in the kidney. Crystals separate from urine and get deposited on the inner surface of kidney. These crystals slowly build up to form hard stones. There are several types of kidney stones depending on the combination of chemicals in the stone. Of the different types of kidney stones, the most common type contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. Formation of stones depends on the nature of urine. Calcium oxalate develops in acid urine of pH less than 6.0. Different conditions that lead to the formation of calcium oxalate stones are hypercalciuria, hyperoxaluria, hypocitrauria and hyperuricosuria.
Hypercalciuria is a condition referred to an increase of calcium in the urine. Calcium is absorbed from food in excess. This excess calcium is then excreted through urine. This excess calcium combines with other chemicals to form crystals of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate in kidneys or urinary tract.
Hyperoxaluria is a condition referred to an increase of oxalate in the urine. When there is an increase of oxalate intake, excess oxalate combines with calcium to develop calcium oxalate stones. Excessive intake of food and drink containing oxalate like leafy green vegetables and brewed tea leads to calcium oxalate stones. Excessive intake of Vitamin C may also lead to hyperoxaluria, increasing the chance of kidney stones. Inflammatory bowel disease, bowel resection and small bowel bypass procedures may also lead to more absorption of oxalate by intestines.
Citrate has an effect on calcium stone formation. Normal levels of citrate combine with calcium and form a soluble salt. This calcium citrate compound inhibits the formation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate crystals. Therefore, low levels of urinary citrate of hypocitrauria increases the chance of developing stones.
Hyperuricosuria is a condition that refers to an increase of uric acid in urine. Uric acid crystals form in urine that has pH less than 5.5. Calcium crystals then combine with uric acid crystals to form calcium oxalate stones.
Ohhira s Probiotics contain the bacterium Oxalobacter formigenes, which has been found to split down calcium oxalates.
About the Author: Kidney Stones are extremely painful and, otherwise treated they can be life threatening. Read more here
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